Staň se součástí řešení
SLOU hledá nové členy týmu!
A protože všichni členové týmu musí mluvit anglicky, přepneme teď do Angličtiny. Přejeme, ať si ten proces hlavně užiješ!
slou vision
Our vision is a world, where we all slow down from the destructive pace of life damaging our bodies, our relationships, our mental health and our planet and we take time to heal, to start creating meaningful lives, meaningful closets and a meaningful fashion system. It's a values revolution.
slou mission
We love life on this planet. We believe we are here with our sensibility and amazing capacities to appreciate it, adore it, to love it and enhance it. We love living in a way that is constructive, supportive and based on growth and love. We believe that we all as humanity can create lives that are a state of art amazing simply by slowing down, shifting our focus and bringing meaning to all apects of our lives.
We help women to reconnect with themselves, find out who they are, ground themselves in their power and start creating beautiful life in various aspects. We support them to gather the courage to liberate themselves and express who they are in the world. We help them to shift their mindset and thus stop the unfulfilling fast paced life turning around growing inidvidual importance.
We offer online programs, one on one coaching sessions, books, gatherings and events.
SLOU is also visible and bringing inspiration in podcasts, media and through its engaging meaningful maketing.
We are now looking to recruit a Marketing and sales manager who resonates with our mission, vision and values to drive business and sales further to meet our ambitious goals.

We are now looking to recruit a Virual assistant who resonates with our mission, vision and values to keep our websites and other communcation chaneels up to date with new content and make our visual world beautiful.